
Monday, January 25, 2010

Fujiyma with family

Fujiyma with family, originally uploaded by ebeegrn.

We did a round two at Fujiyama. This time the family got to partake of the festivities that is the awe and inspiration of this fun place. I think I found the kitchen that can stuff Mason full to capacity. He actually left a few bites on his plate. The meal generally consists of a soup (that you can see in the picture here) and a salad with a house dressing. Kids got a children's meal which, by the way, you can still share. Unless you are Mason. Then I shared a steak and shrimp meal with my Mom. Hello! I was ready to burst. Its a great deal doing it that way. It can come out about the same expense for two than if someone ordered a regular meal. We had some appetizers. A cream cheese chicken roll and a dumpling. Both were great. The show factor is when the Chef comes out to cook for you. There is fire and smoke and knives and spatulas flinging all over. Cooper was quiet. He would point out something every now and then. When the first flame hit the hibachi he jumped. After that it was all good. He then entertained himself with a chopstick for a phone. Only Cooper can be that cool. If you are in the area you should try the place out. We are gonna do it again sometime. Hopefully with Jacey and fam. 
click here for more pictures

1 comment:

Kabuski said...

I love Cooper's excellent use of chop sticks! :)