
Monday, May 31, 2010

Sunday cooking


Sunday Ivy, Asher and Cooper stayed home from church with colds.  I was bored and decided to cook some stuff I had bookmarked the recipes to awhile ago.  First I made Dr Pepper ribs.  Regular smoked ribs with a Dr. Pepper bbq sauce.  Came out very nice.  They look a little black in the picture but they were perfect.  Smoked for 3 hours then slow cooked a couple more hours.  Mopped with apple juice every 30 minutes then finished off with the Dr. Pepper BBQ sauce.  Recipe here.

I had read a recipe for Cheesey biscuits like they serve at Red Lobster.  Simple recipe using bisquick.  They also came out nicely.  Especially considering they prep time was literally 2 minutes.  Best warm of course.  Recipe here.  PS-it makes more than 5 but they were good and I was too slow.

Here's another one I want to try.  Someone should try it out and let me know how it goes.  Recipe here. OK not really a recipe but I'm sure you could figure it out.

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