
Thursday, August 7, 2008

Galaxy VIP theater

This is galaxy theater in gig harbor. Its VIP viewing. I wasn't sure what VIP theater meant other than it cost and additional $2. We tried to call but you can't actually get a live person at a movie theater. This theater had a concierge desk. I'm not sure what she was supposed to do. She did sell us our tickets but I don't think that should qualify as a concierge service since a non-manned kiosk can perform the same task. The theater was very nice. Nicer than the one in Pouslbo. I think the only difference in the VIP theater is you can order and drink alcohol in the theater. The guys next to us were drinking wine. You have to be tough to not follow the empty seat between guys rule and be drinking wine at a movie. We saw Dark Knight. The first time we went was at the drive-in for the midnight showing. I slept through half of it. It was better when viewed in it's entirety.

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