I had my first meeting today for the kitsap base biggest loser challenge. I am a little scared but I think that is realistic right? Weekly meetings are on Mondays at 5 to 7. You work out in a class 2 times a week. Work out 5 times a week and class time is included. Keep a complete journal of what you eat and work out in your routine. And did I mention its 12 weeks long and you HAVE TO DO ALL of this? Otherwise you are out. They want to make sure good habits stick. So, here I go. Beginning weight is 191. Let's see where I end up.
What a coincidence--I am also participating in a biggest loser challenge. My challenge is to see how many pounds of movie theater butter popcorn I can consume while watching The Biggest Loser on TV. I'm doing pretty good so far.
I'm with you. My way that I'm choosing to support Ivy is to eat all of the unhealthy foods in the house to prevent her from being tempted. We all have to do our part. -rick
Ya, sometimes you just have to take one for the team. Way to go, Rick.
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