
Wednesday, January 7, 2009

ivy at hospital

It all started with a tummy ache.  Then a trip to urgent care then they sent her to Harrison Silverdale then they sent her to Harrison Bremerton via ambulance.  She got admitted and spent the night on 4w and then about 1pm went into surgery to have her appendix removed.  This picture is her in the Silverdale ER.  She was playing on the itouch.  This was taken after the dilaudid.   She is doing well and will hopefully leave for home on thursday.  Ivy is keeping it interesting.  Of course it couldn't happpen during winter break it had to happen the first week of school.  

1 comment:

Bambi and Jack said...

So sorry to hear about Ivy and her surgery. WOW! PLease let her know that we are thinking about her, and wishing her well. Hugs, Bambi and Jack