
Monday, May 24, 2010

Rainiers party deck

Rainiers party deck, originally uploaded by ebeegrn.
David at work suggested we rent the party deck for a Rainiers game. I of course put Ivy in charge of seeing how that worked. Then spend a little time convincing her that we could buy 50 tickets and my co-workers would be interested(thanks to glynn offering to help take some of the tickets if our plan bombed). In the end we sold 70 or so tickets. Good idea David and good job Ivy making all the phone calls to make it happen.

Weather was a possible issue and at times it looked potentially ominous but halfway through the game it was sunny. Perfect for May.

Had our own deck with food, drinks and a area for the kids to play. Still cheaper than a Mariners game. I think everyone had a good time.
click here for a few more pics

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