
Monday, May 31, 2010

Sunday cooking


Sunday Ivy, Asher and Cooper stayed home from church with colds.  I was bored and decided to cook some stuff I had bookmarked the recipes to awhile ago.  First I made Dr Pepper ribs.  Regular smoked ribs with a Dr. Pepper bbq sauce.  Came out very nice.  They look a little black in the picture but they were perfect.  Smoked for 3 hours then slow cooked a couple more hours.  Mopped with apple juice every 30 minutes then finished off with the Dr. Pepper BBQ sauce.  Recipe here.

I had read a recipe for Cheesey biscuits like they serve at Red Lobster.  Simple recipe using bisquick.  They also came out nicely.  Especially considering they prep time was literally 2 minutes.  Best warm of course.  Recipe here.  PS-it makes more than 5 but they were good and I was too slow.

Here's another one I want to try.  Someone should try it out and let me know how it goes.  Recipe here. OK not really a recipe but I'm sure you could figure it out.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Monday, May 24, 2010

Rainiers party deck

Rainiers party deck, originally uploaded by ebeegrn.
David at work suggested we rent the party deck for a Rainiers game. I of course put Ivy in charge of seeing how that worked. Then spend a little time convincing her that we could buy 50 tickets and my co-workers would be interested(thanks to glynn offering to help take some of the tickets if our plan bombed). In the end we sold 70 or so tickets. Good idea David and good job Ivy making all the phone calls to make it happen.

Weather was a possible issue and at times it looked potentially ominous but halfway through the game it was sunny. Perfect for May.

Had our own deck with food, drinks and a area for the kids to play. Still cheaper than a Mariners game. I think everyone had a good time.
click here for a few more pics

Sunday, May 16, 2010

I got on an energy kick. Did some yard work, laundry, played with kids, rebarked front yard, revived a planter (shown here) drove to lowes twice for supplies, planted shrub that needed love, worked on side cement yard area, cleaned dishes, water fight with kids, (I had the hose) and did manage to shower with remaining energy. I know I am forgetting something here. But you get the idea right? Ivy

Saturday, May 8, 2010

This is my he is practicaly a man son. He is eleven tomorrow. Just yesterday he was 20 pounds at 4 months old and drooling like a waterfall.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Mariners vs Rangers

Mariners vs Rangers, originally uploaded by ebeegrn.
Went to the Mariners game with Jack and Jacey and family and David. Had fun. Don't think I've been to a Mariners game for around 10 years. Theresa kept Cooper for us. Don't think he would have enjoyed it. Click here for a few more pics.