Today was Grandp Greene's memorial service. I have been sad but was unprepared for how emotional an event it would be for me. For a change of pace Ivy was the one not crying. I like it better when I'm the one who had it together.I was able to conduct and give a little talk about Grandpa. It was very nice. I know usually the pastor conducts but I think it was nice that the family did so much of the different parts. Dad played the piano, Mom conducted the mucis, Amanda and Jerel made the program, Ivy and her friend took care of the food, Garry gave a eulogy and shared about Grandpa's last day which was special. Sort of the last thing we can do for Grandpa. Besides take good care of Grandma. Here's a few photos. I'll get the rest up later on today. The boys looked great in their suits. Mason even decided to get his hair short so he'd look good for Grandpa. He looked like one of the beattles with long hair and a suit.
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