Thursday, July 31, 2008

Jerel and Mandy are back from their trip to Israel. They have lots of pictures on flickr. Looks hot. More pictures
They also have started a blog which is linked on the left.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Trying something new. I actually stole the idea from Mike at work(on of the RT's) I'm going to try doing a monthly wallpaper. If you have any good photo ideas for a particular month let me know. I'll include a link. You should be able to just right click photo and have it set as background. You'll have to experiment to see if you want to stretch it or not. I'll also try to use some higher resolution photos. This one is a bit grainy but it's still a good photo.
Photo link
Monday, July 28, 2008

Another old album I scanned. I think I'm going to make a link on the side instead of making a new blog each time I scan a new album. Of course some of these pictures are so good maybe they deserve there own little snippet.
More pictures
changed setting so that anyone can leave comments without having to sign in. Now all those people who visit the blog but are too lazy or unable to remember their sign in can still leave comments. For the 2 people a day who might look at this blog.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
The paint elves visited
Somebody painted my kitchen last night while I was at work. It looks great. I'll kind of miss the blue mark though. I thought I was busy at work but nothing near all the work getting done at home.
Friday, July 25, 2008

Asher had his last day of cub scout camp today. He had fun. Ivy went with him today. I think they both had a good time.

Started a new project. My last blurb book came out pretty good. I'm taking all of the old family photo albums and making a blurb book out of them. the grey marble album is the first one. It came out pretty good. Any one who has any captions they would like included in the book please add as comments on flickr. I'm mean like what is going on in the picture, not comments on my love of acid wash jeans.
Old photos
Another album
Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Attended Richard's birthday party today. Got to meet his family. It was nice. We also were coerced into playing softball. Thankfully we pulled names from a hat so I avoided the walk of shame after being last picked. I didn't have to use the tee so all in all I did pretty good. Keep in mind some of my competition was still in diapers.
More pictures
Monday, July 21, 2008

Just got back from our ocean shores trip. Was a good time. We stayed at a new development called seabrook. It was very nice. Almost too nice. I felt like I was on the Truman show. Ivy said the stepford wifes(not sure what that is). The house was great and it was a good base for a fun time. There were several sandcastles built. I think all the adults did some doughnuts on the beach(except thelma.) Ivy got a plumbers butt sun burn. I got a sunburn on the top of my feet. All the kids got along. It was a good trip. there were lots of pictures. I've sorted through them and there are still lots. I've divided them up a little.
Photos of people
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Ocean shores
At the hangout in ocean shores. Getting some bbq. Cold and overcast as usual. We tried the usual seafood place but too hungry to wait.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Pacific beach
We made it to pacific beach. Little cloudy and cool. Just as expected. We got settled into our little place and of course had to come see the beach. The boys have their own little apt. above the garage.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008

Went to the drive in with the Hewlen kids and Katie. Had fun. Only lost two balls in the water. Later on we will be heading over to their place for some smoked salmon and Ivy's fettuccini alfredo. Grandpa and Grandma will be there as well. I'll have all my cardiac risk factors in one room-grandma and grandpa and good food.
More pictures of mini golf
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Waiting to see Hancock. Hopefully its better than the reviews say. Uta will smith how bad can it be.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Movie night
Gad a movie nights at grandpas house. That's great grandma and grandpa in the background. We watched hunt for red October. An oldie but classic.
Saturday, July 5, 2008

Today was the fourth of July. One of the best I can remember. So many friends. Lots of food, many good friends and family. And we got to blow stuff up. As usual it was a well documented experience so here's a few photos. I'll get some more up in a couple of days. Fourth of July photos
Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Went to Coldstone Creamery and then down to the Bremerton boardwalk. Could not have been a nicer evening. It was about 75 with a light breeze. We walked out to the new breakwater and watched the boats go by. Not sure if it gets much better. Maybe to be on one of the boats. It was nice spending time with Grandpa and Grandma as well. They are up for the month of July. Driving another new car. The other one must have not had the new car smell anymore. More pictures.
Grandma and Grandpa Greene got in town yesterday from Arizona. We had a BBQ at illahee state park. I made some dry salty chicken. More of a chicken jerky. People still politely ate it even though I urged them not to. I also learned that somehow Asher can throw a football perfectly. Not something he learned from me. A great time. Washington summers are great when they actually get here. More pictures
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